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Drug Rehabilitation: What is it Like to Attend Rehab?

Drug rehabilitation is basically the therapeutic process of psychiatric or medical therapy for overcoming addiction to psychoactive substances like alcohol, prescription medications, street drugs like cocaine, opiate drugs or methamphetamine, and street drugs for which the patient is dependent. A luxury drug rehab center will offer drug rehabilitation programs, which usually involve individual and group counseling, social activities, and relapse prevention. Inpatient drug rehabilitation provides a supportive environment for patients who have received inpatient services. Outpatient programs allow the patient to use their own initiative and privacy to deal with problems.

What Kinds of Treatment Are Available in Drug Rehab?

Most common forms of treatment are residential (for patients staying inpatient for treatment), outpatient (inpatient treatment available for outpatient treatment or short term), short term rehab, and long term care. Residential treatment centers offer inpatient substance abuse treatment by providing complete facilities and support. They follow a co-care approach involving family, friends, health professionals, and schools. Many substance abuse programs are faith based. Treatment includes educational as well as practical assistance to overcome the problem of substance abuse. The primary goal of drug rehabilitation is to ensure sobriety, social vitality, and increased opportunities for self-recovery.

Inpatient Care in Drug Rehab

In drug rehabilitation, the most common form of treatment is inpatient care wherein the addict is subjected to inpatient substance abuse therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Inpatient care usually involves an individualized approach to therapy and medication where the use of medication and alcohol therapies are combined with educational and psychotherapy treatment. Relapse prevention and relapse reduction programs are also part of inpatient care.

Detox in Drug Rehab

Detox is a vital part of treatment. After completing detox at the rehab, patients are placed in an outpatient drug treatment center. Outpatient services allow the patient to remain under the care of the treating physician while receiving counseling, medication, and medical supervision. Treatment programs in an inpatient setting may use either inpatient or outpatient services depending upon the severity of the addiction, risk for relapse, frequency of abuse, etc. For milder cases of addiction, outpatient services may be enough to provide relief. Family therapy and counseling are usually required during inpatient treatment.

Support in Drug Rehab

Many organizations provide support during the rehabilitation process and after the process, including outpatient treatment programs. Many addiction treatment centers also offer spiritual support and life skills training to patients and families. These programs can be very effective when combined with individual and family counseling and socialization programs.


If you are wondering what it is like to attend drug rehabilitation, you will find that a lot of time and money will be spent on the programs and the staff that are involved in the rehabilitation center. There are a number of different programs that are available in drug rehabilitation centers, and each one requires a staff that will work with patients to help them get better. When you are looking at what it is like to attend drug rehabilitation, this will be a major factor in your decision as to what type of rehab is right for you.

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